It’s hard to take a step backward in life.
A decrease in pay, an increase in work, and a future that will continue to get harder.
Top producing LOs have wandering eyes right now and I don’t blame them.
The truth is, if you’re a top producer, you know that you could succeed in a lot of careers.
And, there’s probably one that will excite and fulfill you.
But, what do you do in transition?
It’s silly to walk away from your mortgage success.
I would never advise doing that unless you are truly, 100% burned out and over it.
Instead, turn your mortgage business into an ATM that finances this next phase of your life.
I’m in my 5th industry right now. I’ve never walked away from any of them. I currently own 4 businesses and sold one to a private equity firm in 2019. For me, I never identified myself with any career in particular. In my opinion, all that does is force you to remain in one career far longer than you should. Causing you to ignore all of the other opportunities that could have come your way.
So, what’s the first step?
(it’s different than you think)
Step #1: Start the next career now.
Why? Because once you feel the entrepreneur inside of you alive again, you will have the motivation to prepare your mortgage business for your absence. Again, we are not closing your mortgage business down… we are simply preparing it for ownership rather than micromanagement.
Every person who owns multiple businesses is not running any of them personally. You need systems, support, and a plan.
You’d think that owning multiple businesses would be stressful… But, it’s the opposite. The stress goes away. You’re no longer reliant on one business to finance your lifestyle.
If you’re a top producer, use this time to reevaluate things.
Yes… fulfillment, excitement, and motivation are at the heart of life. And, you should be feeling all of those things daily.
But, the future matters too. And, you need to be building a career and an income that can finance the life you’ve been working so hard to create.
Make sure that your current plan is actually going to get you there.
Are you looking for a second business/career? Let me help you with that. Click HERE to schedule a call on my calendar. My coaching program is full of Loan Officers who are seeking more than just running a successful branch.