You have had enough!
It is time to act.
This nonsense has gone on long enough.
You didn’t build this business just to become an overworked employee who works there.
And then…You don’t act…
Many times you find yourself waiting for “a sign.”
You question yourself, “Where do I even begin?”
You only know what you know… right now. And it is often difficult to know more until you act on the things that you already know. Gaining clarity may have been built up too much. If you wait for life to become perfectly clear you might find yourself waiting for a long time. This is because it just simply doesn’t work that way. Instead, clarity comes from your experience.
Making mistakes teaches you what not to do. Successful practices teach you what works.
It really is this simple. You must act on what you know, so that you can know for sure. You may find that you didn’t know what you thought you did. Or, you might learn that there is more you could have done and you will do that next time.
The point is that you can only be clear about what is clear at the time. Act on that and see what happens. The consequence of thinking about it for too long is wasted time. Another day will pass by without learning more about what to do next. The result of this learning will help you build a path to financial and time freedom.
Act on what you know right now… until you know better… then act on that.
Get out there!