The LOs who will survive have this

What happens when everyone is “the best”?

That’s what we are dealing with right now in the mortgage industry.

Realtors have endless options of LOs to pick from.

And, they all look pretty much the same.

If you think that having fancy technology or social media posts is going to make you stand out… think again.

The truth is, every Loan Officer who takes this career seriously has the same stuff.

They have all been coached by the same coaches and attended the same conferences.

The secrets are out.

So, what do we do now?

Well, those who KNOW will be just fine. 


Because the game hasn’t really changed.

Realtors pick the Loan Officer they like most. Most of the Loan Officers at the top know this already. They figured it out a while ago and they have been reaping the financial benefits ever since.

Which is why they are still doing just fine in 2024. They didn’t win their Realtor partners transactionally… They won them relationally.

If you win a relationship in a shallow transactional way… You will also lose the relationship in a shallow transactional way.

Confidence and conviction. These are the hallmark traits of every Top Producer. It’s what keeps them on top and why their referral market share continues to increase year after year.

Realtors are people too. And, people send business to people they admire. 

Spend less time marketing and more time being someone admirable.

Build a personal brand that wins hearts not likes.

This new economy has been coined the “purpose economy.” People are reading books and attending events that make them feel alive. They will also partner with the Loan Officer who they feel is doing the same thing they are. Seeking a purpose-filled life. 

You can try to win them over by hosting a lunch-n-learn… I’m not too sure it will work out for you though.

If you are feeling unfulfilled… your Realtor partners will be able to tell. I would recommend your personal brand reflects someone inspiring and purpose-driven if you expect them to care about you. My coaching program can help you with that.
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