LOs Want to Skip to the Part Where They Make Money

Every LO wants to skip to the part where they make money and work less.

I get that, and I’m no different.

The problem is the “skipping” part.

Licensed professionals tend to bypass the basics and jump directly into the tactics.

The assumption is that you just need to be “top of mind.”

This assumption is why most LOs are stuck working really hard.

I understand why they skip the basics. All of the conference, regional managers, and coaching programs are teaching tactics, tips, and tricks. Industry-wide, there is the belief that if you just market more, you will make more money. 

But, this simply isn’t true… especially in mortgage.

Marketing is simply a shipment method. It’s how professionals ship their personal brands. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, emails, happy hours, lunch n’ learns. All of these strategies are just ways to be seen.

But, have you stopped to analyze what you are showing them?

It’s funny to me that people think marketing is how you make money. In professional services, it’s your reputation that makes you money. Marketing is just how you get seen.

Skipping straight to marketing is like jumping into mortgage without learning how to assemble a file and close a loan. There are some steps you simply can’t skip. Your personal brand and your reputation are among those steps.

If you want to make great money in professional services, you need to honor human psychology. Know, like, and trust. 

Marketing doesn’t create know, like, and trust. Marketing is just a shipping strategy. Your personal brand is what will determine how much they know about you, if they like you, and if they can trust you.

Marketing without a personal brand is a waste of time and money. It leads to burnout and career fatigue. Without a reputation, you’ll eventually despise the constant need to go out and get more business.

Business is easier when you have a personal brand that Realtors respect and remember.

Your reputation isn’t about social media, logos, and websites. My coaching program can show you how to build a personal brand that will actually make you money. Click HERE to book a call with me and see if this strategy can work for you.
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Download your personal brand checklist: Is your personal brand bringing in loans? It should be...