Looking average is the last thing a Loan Officer needs right now…
But, it’s happening (usually without your knowledge).
Because you’re likely acting like a Loan Officer.
Making calls, posting on social media, and sending out spam emails to your database.
These old marketing tactics are old and tired… and, they’re probably annoying your Realtor partners.
It’s always scary when your marketing stops working. The biggest source of anxiety is when we don’t trust our systems to bring in consistent business. But, this is where most Loan Officers are at right now. Some have even slowed down on their marketing out of frustration (which is even scarier as this is a sure way to make the next 6 months even harder for you).
While some are scared or frustrated that the old marketing strategies have stopped working… I’m happy about it.
The old marketing ways were gimmicky, repetitive, and dehumanizing. Loan Officers hated them and Realtors hated being on the receiving end. Moving on is going to be a win-win for everyone.
For decades, the challenge was getting seen by Realtors. This isn’t the problem anymore. In fact, being seen is easier now than ever before. But, when things become easy… they also become oversaturated.
This has led us to where we are today. A noisy world where there are too many Loan Officers marketing for a very limited amount of attention. Value adds begin to look like spam. Marketing efforts become annoying. And, the worst part… Loan Officers become ignored.
You need to STOP marketing and brand yourself instead.
Winning Realtors over in 2023 will have nothing to do with fancy content and clever marketing ideas… They have seen it all before and it’s not impressing anyone. Realtors will be looking for the Loan Officer they like most. The one who they feel like is the best fit for them personally and professionally.
How will they make this decision…? Your personal brand.
Imagine looking down the aisle at a grocery store. The shelves are full of different Loan Officers to choose from. All of them look basically the same with very small variations. How do you decide which one you will pick?
In an over-saturated market where everyone has the same software, the same technology, been coached by the same coaches, and read the same business books… There’s nothing you can really do that other LOs aren’t already doing.
Realtors will be judging Loan Officers by their personal brand (primarily on social media). This is the new way people choose professionals and as the Realtors get younger, this will only become more critical.
Don’t want to be judged? Too bad… they’re going to judge you either way. You’re better off controlling the story they think about you rather than leaving it up to chance.
In this new world, personal brand is everything and Loan Officers are no exception.