Have you bought blueberries out of season?
Might as well buy a brick of gold!
When I was opening my first business… there was a lot of fear and self-doubt.
My friends and family members thought I was crazy.
I guess I started to believe them a little bit.
I was sick of being limited by money.
I told myself, “I just want to be able to buy blueberries out of season without feeling guilty about the price tag!”
I’ll let you in on a little secret: it wasn’t about the blueberries.
Vague and ambiguous goals are set by many people. When you are younger it is socially acceptable to dream. You shoot for the stars and talk about the life of your perfect design. As you grow up, this sort of dreaming becomes unacceptable. The world tells you to stop being unrealistic. Go to college… work hard… get promoted.
After a while, you start to obey. You forget about that life you once dreamed about. Instead of extravagant, you set a goal for yourself that is easily achieved and modest. You might be like me and simply want enough financial security to buy fruit out of season. But it’s not about the blueberries. Once you have the blueberries it becomes a home… then it becomes a car… then a vacation… then a nicer and longer vacation.
Don’t let this never-ending chase of more discourage you. Instead, it may be the chase and the journey you have wrong. Have you considered that what you “want” may not actually be what you want? You see, I didn’t want blueberries. I wanted to be free from financial restrictions. I wanted to be able to eat, do, and see whatever I wanted to without being held back by money. You may think you want or need something to feel fulfilled. I would invite you to go deeper and ask yourself, “what am I actually up to?”
You have spent decades of your life trying to make more money. Is it the money you want? Or, do you want to be free from money? Maybe you are sick of the power money has over you? Maybe you are sick of doing shit you don’t want to do because you are trying to get more money?
Imagine a life free from financial constraints. Picture yourself knowing that you will always have money and that you can always get more. This is more than possible… And you CAN live like this.
Do you want more freedom in your life? It may be closer than you think. CLICK HERE to schedule a no-obligation strategy call with me.