2 Loans From 1 Post

I have a Loan Officer in my coaching program who got 2 loans from a social media post.

But, I want to be very clear…

It was not social media that brought in the deals.

It was what he said.

Here’s the post:

“Anyone else feel embarrassed right now?

I look at my numbers on MMI and I just want to hide in a dark hole.

My production is down 73% from 2022.

I had to let go of most of the people on my team.

My wife and I decided to sell our beach house so that we could stop stressing about cash in the bank.

There is a newer LO in my market that recently passed me in production for 2024.

For years, I have tied my value to my production and the income on my tax return. I enjoyed being one of the best in my market. I was outgoing and confident.

But, I’ve let this market change me.

I procrastinate.
I put off doing the things that I know will work.
I sit in my office pretending to work but finish the day wondering what I even did.

I’ve never been like this before.

I can hardly recognize myself.

I know I’m not alone… but, it sure feels like I am.”

After posting this, he got 18 direct messages and 12 text messages from different realtors.

The 2 loans that were sent to him were from Realtors that he has rarely done business with in the past.

This post led to 3 coffee meetings initiated by Realtors and a potential MSA.

This was not a video with fancy editing, it was not a post about the FED or the NAR settlement…

This was a post about being a human being.

People do business with people, NOT businesses.

Want to create a personal brand that attracts Realtors? That’s what I do. I coach 30 Loan Officers at a time. I do all of the coaching one-on-one myself. If you do everything I tell you to, you WILL make more money this year. Click HERE to book a call on my calendar.
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