LOs: you’re great, but you want more

You’ve done well in the mortgage industry.

But, you want more.

You want more purpose and meaning in your work.

You want a personal brand identity that allows you to show up so that people can see why you matter and what you do well.

Creating a personal brand that stands out is easier now than ever before.


If your brand identity is all based on fancy video editing, an impressive website, posting social media content or hiring a company to post for you… You will not stand out. And your branding efforts will land flat.

In a world where everyone has fancy content, great video equipment, a nice microphone, and a cool logo… if you do what they are doing… you will not stand out. I’m not saying that you don’t need professional quality (I have it). But, technology and video equipment will not take you to the elite level.

The elite players have a unique brand identity that connects them to their purpose. It’s this connection between what they love to do and what they have been born to do that makes them so great at what they do.

Connecting your purpose to your brand identity is what makes work fun. This is how the elite players in the industry seem to make it look easy. Its’ never easy… but it’s definitely a lot easier to focus and stay motivated when you’re connected to your purpose.

If your personal branding strategy consists solely of social media videos, brand colors, logos, and tick-tocks… you will not stand out… Why? Because everyone else is doing the same thing.

If you want to feel relevant, be seen as someone who is doing big things, and have an impact… You need to connect your brand identity with your purpose and the work you love to do.

The brand identities that win are the ones that are rooted in something deep.

What is the change you seek to make?

What unique abilities do you have?

Are you showing up as the person you know you can be?

Want help connecting your brand identity to your purpose? Take a look at my program for top-producers. Click here: rolandcochrun.com/liveindesign
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Download your personal brand checklist: Is your personal brand bringing in loans? It should be...