Money is great, Time is better

You went into mortgage because you knew that you’d be good at it.

You knew that you’d make good money.

And, you have made great money… lots of it!

Then you realize…

It wasn’t the money you were after.

You wanted time freedom.

You wanted the money so that you could choose when and how much you work.

As a loan officer, you have built something that people want.

There’s no reason for you to keep doing things you don’t want to do.

Business systems can make you more money. They can also bring in more leads, more referral partners, and repeat business. And, they can set you free.

You are already successful at what you do and turning it into a system allows it to be repeated consistently. This improves efficiency and saves you time. And, it also opens up the opportunity for someone else to do it for you. This is where you can achieve time freedom.

Time freedom is not as fashionable as money. You won’t see it on advertisements or on social media. Money definitely steals the show. But, let me tell you, time freedom is the greatest freedom you can achieve.

With time freedom you can work on your business rather than inside it. You can design your perfect schedule. You can spend more time growing the business and automating your systems. Having the time to run your business unlocks more opportunity and ends up making you even more money.

VACATION! This is hands down the best part about having time freedom. Taking real vacations (long vacations) whenever you want them. Your systems can take care of the realtors and borrowers. Relax and enjoy the peace of owning a mortgage business that runs on automatic.

This might sound hard to believe. Like I said, you won’t see this stuff advertised or on social media. Why? Because most LOs don’t believe achieving time freedom and passive income is possible. I’m here to tell you… it is possible. People are doing it. You can too.

Want to know the systems you need to market your mortgage business in 2021? Phil Treadwell and I are teaching a free masterclass on January 27th. You’ll walk away knowing…
  • How to use systems to get more purchase business
  • What systems you can use to add more referral partners
  • How to get more business from the referral sources you already have

Click here to register.

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