At first, it was 10 loans a month, then 60

At first, it was 10 loans a month.

Then you wanted 20… 40… 60…

Life will be better when…

The story only lives until we stop believing it.

What story am I referring to? The one where you need more money to feel secure.

The story that says closing more loans will make you more respected.

The story that you tell yourself about happiness being achieved when you have a bigger business.

You know these stories arent true.

All of us stop believing these stories at some point in time. The only way you will be happy and feel fulfilled is if you elevate the type of work you do. Routine work tasks are not serving you. These tasks should be turned into a system and delegated to someone else.

So, what stories are  true?

The story of impact and legacy. Your work is a reflection of you. How you choose to spend your time reflects your belief in yourself. If you believe that all you are good for is working and making money… then that’s all you will do.

But, if you believe that you are more than just a worker, you free yourself to do great things. This belief opens doors for you to run your business remotely. You can operate as a business owner rather than an employee of your own business.

Freedom of choice is TRUE. You are choosing to do work that doesn’t excite you. You are choosing to repeat the routine of making money and going to bed. These are choices… And, you can choose to do work that lights you up. This is how to achieve happiness. Work should be an expression of yourself and what you believe.

I used to choose to work too much. Now, I live out of two suitcases and move to a different Airbnb every 3 months. This is my freedom. I can show you how to be free too.
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